Going out with a supermodel can be the teenage dream of many, but Oscar Wilde already said it: be careful with what you want, because it could come true.
This has happened to Vito Schnabel, who, in case it does not ring, is the man next to Heidi Klum for more than three years. Maybe you are familiar with his last name and that Vito is the son of the famous painter and American film director Julian Schnabel. A man who wears pajamas (silk, yes) for several decades, awarded with a Golden Globe and also in Cannes. And who lives in an incredible pink loft palace in the middle of Manhattan (the Palazzo Chupi. If you go to New York you have to see it). What we were going to: Vito, the artist’s son. Fell in love with “El Cuerpo” in the German version in 2014 (the original “The Body” was patented by another model, Australian, Elle McPherson). And since then he has done what he can to be presentable to the side of such a woman.

Knowing that the paparazzi were waiting for them in New York after their vacations, Vito has pulled the simplest and most direct trick to get a better look: put on your replica Ray Bans UK. Theirs are straight and have a futuristic anger difficult to defend. But here it does not matter so much the form or the color (they take of flat lens, FYI), but that you wear them. We say it, but also psychology.
But why are we look more attractive with fake Ray Ban sunglasses? Vanessa Brown, professor of art and design at Nottingham Trent University and author of Cool Shades, a book in which she explores all these cultural and psychological connections, asks the same question. These connections lead us to conclude that we are more beautiful when we wear our own clothes. Counterfeit Ray-Ban sunglasses.

According to Brown there are three reasons that get this effect. The first is the most obvious, and refers to high quality fake Ray Bans hiding the imperfections of our face. When covering the eyes, they also cover the usual asymmetries that we have and create a perfectly horizontal line between them, also defining the other features. The second reason has to do with the psychological. The look is what makes us vulnerable, “the mirror of the soul”. In our eyes you can read endless expressions, feelings and truths. Cover this window to the world and you will automatically look more mysterious, more inscrutable. Brown says that wearing dark-lens glasses creates the illusion that we are safer and more desirable.

The third reason speaks of our cultural heritage. In the same way that for years cowboys and tobacco were linked by a white and red logo. The cheap Ray Ban sunglasses have also had their particular propaganda, mainly in the cinema. Top Gun turned Tom Cruise, with his fake Ray Bans Aviator glasses, into a sex symbol, Sean Connery never dispensed with glasses or a hat in 007. And James Dean achieved iconic status with his Shuron Ronsir glasses.

So you know, if your dream is the same as Vito’s. Or if you just want to scale at your level of attractiveness, you have the key. Again Wilde, he warned us: the bad thing about a first impression is that it only occurs once.